
Agent handling the creation and management of RouterOrder clones.

createOrder | only callable by cauldrons

This function creates a new order for a specific user with the given parameters. It is called by the GmxV2CauldronV4 contract to set up a new order in response to user actions.

It creates a clone of the RouterOrder contract and initializes it accordingly.

function createOrder(address user, GmRouterOrderParams memory params) external payable onlyOperators returns (address order)


setOracle | only owner

Sets the oracle for a specific GMX V2 market, essential for ensuring accurate market data for the orders.

This oracle is then used by all RouterOrder clones

function setOracle(address market, IOracle oracle) external onlyOwner


setCallbackGasLimit | only owner

Adjusts the gas limit for callback functions used in the GMX architecture. This function sets the maximum amount of gas allowed for operations following a callback. This is particularly relevant for the non-atomic nature of GMX transactions, where a user creates an order that is later filled by a keeper. The callback mechanism allows for composability by enabling the orderRouter proxy contract to continue the flow after receiving tokens from the deposit or withdrawal handler.

This callback gas limit is used by all RouterOrder clones.

function setCallbackGasLimit(uint256 _callbackGasLimit) external onlyOwner


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