
The ElevatedMinterBurner.sol contract is a periphery contract designed to facilitate minting and burning of tokens, and executing arbitrary calls.

It is an authorized minter and burner of MIM on sidechains, which allows Omnichain MIM to be compatible with the already deployed MIM contracts on sidechains.

It will be called by LzIndirectOFTV2as part of the beaming flow, which is an operator of ElevatedMinterBurner

Contract Dependencies

The contract imports and builds upon the Operatable.sol and IMintableBurnable.sol contracts. The Operatable.sol mixin provides functionality to restrict certain contract functions to be executed only by an owner or operators. The IMintableBurnable.sol is an interface that defines the minting and burning functions that this contract implements.

State Variables

  • IMintableBurnable public immutable token; The contract holds a state variable token of type IMintableBurnable, which is made immutable and public. This variable represents the token for which minting, burning, and other operations can be performed. The token used is the MIM token on each sidechains.


  • constructor(IMintableBurnable token_) The contract's constructor takes a token of type IMintableBurnable as an argument and assigns it to the token state variable. The token used is the MIM token on each sidechains.


  1. function burn(address from, uint256 amount) external override onlyOperators returns (bool): This function allows operators to burn a specific amount of tokens from a given address. It calls the burn function from the IMintableBurnable token instance. Returns true if the operation is successful.

  2. function mint(address to, uint256 amount) external override onlyOperators returns (bool): This function allows operators to mint a specific amount of tokens to a given address. It calls the mint function from the IMintableBurnable token instance. Returns true if the operation is successful.

  3. function exec(address target, bytes calldata data) external onlyOwner: This function allows the contract owner to execute arbitrary calls to a target address with provided data. It directly calls the call function of the target address. If the call fails, it reverts the transaction and provides the failed call's result as the revert reason.

The ElevatedMinterBurner.sol contract is a key part of the bridging mechanism, providing an interface to mint and burn MIM in a controlled manner, while also allowing the contract owner to execute arbitrary calls.

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